Thursday, January 17, 2008

Types Of Answering Service

Answering services have been around for years, but with the rise in multilateral corporations and self-employment, they have mushroomed to meet ever rising needs. The lack of an answering service can have a serious impact on one-man businesses as important calls are missed. In the beginning, answering services only took messages after business hours and relayed them to the relevant parties.

Outsourced telephones/fax services Companies and individuals, especially freelancers and the self-employed, use answering services to take their calls and make their appointments. Some answering services are set up so that calls to the business's number are automatically forwarded to the answering service. The person making the call has no idea that the call is being answered by a person / receptionist elsewhere.

Call centers Most large corporations, especially those that get hundreds of calls from customers on a daily basis use call centers to man these calls. These call centers are not always at the same location where the business is situated. In some cases call centers are actually thousands of miles away in another country. Calls to call centers are normally toll-free numbers.

Many call centers operate around the clock, that is, twenty-fours, seven days per week. Customers demand efficient, readily available customer service responses to their problems, thus effectively ensuring the continued survival of call centers.

Automated Some answering services are fully automated, with software available to relay messages to you wherever you are. Some phone answering services can be set to inform callers that the business is closed and that they should leave a message etc.

Others types of answering services include paging services and answering machines. They operate differently, but allow prospective clients and service providers to communicate. The prices of answering services vary depending on scope of service.

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